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The NYC Brownfield Partnership announces the 2020 Abbey Duncan Brownfield Scholarship Program

16 Dec 2019 1:17 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The Abbey Duncan Brownfield Scholarship Program is an annual program designed to provide financial support to undergraduate and graduate students pursuing careers in the brownfield industry in New York City.

The Abbey Duncan Brownfield Scholarship Program is administered by the NYC Brownfield Partnership, an association of member organizations involved in the brownfield industry in New York City.

2020 Scholarships will be one-time awards of up to $5,000. Funds will be disbursed directly to the college at which the student is enrolled in coordination with the school’s financial aid office.


Scholarship recipients will be selected on a competitive basis. In order to be eligible for the award, students must be:

  • An undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at one of the colleges affiliated with CUNY and other select colleges in the New York City Metro area;
  • Enrolled in at least one course during the 2020 academic year; and
  • Pursuing studies related to brownfield redevelopment, such as environmental engineering, environmental or geosciences, geology or hydrogeology, environmental policy, environmental planning, environmental justice, environmental law, real estate, sustainable development or industrial hygiene.

To Apply:

All application materials are found online at:


All applications must be received by March 25, 2020

Please contact scholarships@nycbrownfieldpartnership.org with any questions.

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