What 2022 May Hold For Affordable Housing, Brownfields, Jobs Training, and Redevelopment?
Featuring panelists from the NYC Brownfield Partnership, REBNY (The Real Estate Board of NY), NYSAFAH (NYS Association for Affordable Housing), and CCNY (City College of NY).
Date: February 28, 2022
Time: 4:00pm -5:30pm
Place: Virtual (Zoom registration link sent in confirmation email)
Grab an afternoon beverage. Join the New York City Brownfield Partnership and its multidisciplinary panel. Hear from affordable housing, development, environmental law and cleanup, and job training professionals. Share thoughts for what is ahead in 2022 in New York City, New York State, and the tri-state region.
Highly interactive, informal dialogue. All attendees encouraged to share your thoughts and predictions, too.
Panelists include:
Registration Fee:
*Payment must be made at the time of registration.
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